Sisterhood, Education, Unity, and the Preservation of Latina Culture were all reasons why Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. was founded.

An important aspect of Pi Lambda Chi's ideology is that any woman of any ethnic group is welcome to share in the experience of being a Golden Chi.  At no time, do the Founding Mothers wish to close the doors of opportunity to anyone, as doors have all too often been closed to them.  Any Latina or any woman interested in Latina culture is welcome to join the new member education line.

"You hear a lot about sisterhood when you’re in the sorority and that it's por vida, that it's for life, but it's actually for real… That's one  of the amazing things about this sisterhood, it truly has been lifelong and across generations and time and even across oceans..."
-Madre Estella Juarez

Founding Madres

14 young women came together form the sorority based on the principles of Sisterhood, Unity, and Preservation of Latina Culture. These young women came to be known as the Founding Madres of Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc.

Tamara Acevedo, Lorraine Atencio, Ramona Bash, Jessica Bauernfeind, Sandra Cano, Maria Castro, Carmen Estrada, Dezi Gutierrez, Estella Juarez, Regina Longoria, Christine Olivas, Helen Richardson, Jennifer Rodriguez, Tanya Vigil

Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. Featured on NBC Latino

Pi Lambda Chi and the National Step Team were featured on NBC News Latino showcasing the growth and meaning behind being in a multicultural sorority. Stepping and strolling is a popular form of performance and way to embrace everyone's uniqueness through expression. 

Sisters featured include America Ramirez from University of Colorado at Boulder; Brenda Gutierrez, Beverly Garcia, and Diana Oregon from the University of Denver; and Laura Escalante from Colorado State University.

Read more here.